
Below you can find an easily accessible schedule that gives an overview over all course elements as well as deadlines. All lectures are held in room Beta (number 147 in Saga building) or Omega (ground floor in Jupiter building) on the Chalmers Lindholmen campus. A map of the campus can be found here. Rest of the time we are in floor 3 of house Jupiter (same campus) in the group and project rooms in the corner towards the Kuggen building.

For complete information about the locations/rooms see the formal schedule in TimeEdit. Please note that all of the times in the TimeEdit schedule that are not listed below are rooms booked for you to sit and work on your assignments, especially the group assignment. Of these, assignment/group course times only the 13:00-15:00 slot on Thursdays have teacher support. They are thus listed below.

W. Date & Time Theme Papers Book
1 4/9 10:15-12:00 L1: Intro, Overview, Requirement Types [V, S, V11] Nuseibeh2000 Ch. 1
5/9 08:15-10:00 L2: System & Boundaries, Req Elicitation, Stakeholder Identification [V, S] Sharp1999 Ch. 2-3
6/9 18:00 DEADLINE! Assignment 0 answered and personal accounts in Fire
7/9 08:15-10:00 W1: Quality criteria, Use Cases, Intro to Assignment 1 & 2 [V1, V2, S] IEEEStd830
2 11/9 10:15-12:00 L3: Elicitation, Documenting Requirements, NatLang Requirements [V1, V2, S] Ch. 3-5
12/9 08:15-10:00 L4: (Formal) Models for Req Specification [V, S] Ch. 6
13/9 13:00-15:00 Supervision for assignments
14/9 08:15-10:00 L5: Quality Requirements [V1, V2, S] Boegh2008
14/9 18:00 DEADLINE! Assignment 1 Submitted in Fire
3 18/9 10:15-12:00 W2 & L6: Requirements Interviews, Validation [V, S] Ch. 7
20/9 18:00 DEADLINE! Assignment 2 Submitted
4 25/9 10:15-12:00 L7: GUEST LECTURE! MANDATORY! Stefan Eekenulv from Inceptive
26/9 08:15-10:00 W3: Feedback on assignments 1 & 2, Intro to Assignment 3 [V1, V2]
27/9 13:00-15:00 Supervision for assignments
28/9 08:00-12:00 W4: Customer interviews
5 2/10 10:15-12:00 L8: Validation 2, Req Management, Agile RE Nurmulian2004 Ch. 7-8
4/10 10:00-15:00 W5: Customer interviews
6 9/10 10:15-12:00 L9: Large-scale RE, Creativity in RE Karlsson1997 Ch. 8
11/10 13:00-15:00 Supervision for assignments
7 16/10 10:15-12:00 L10: Market-driven and Bespoke RE, Tools Berntsson2008 Ch. 9
17/10 08:15-10:00 L11: Future of RE, Summary of course
18/10 15:00 DEADLINE! (Group) Assignment 3 Submitted in Fire
19/10 08:15-10:00 W6: Project presentations
8 25/10 14:00 DEADLINE! Written Exam in Lindholmen (house SAGA for instructions)
X 17/1 2013 14:00 DEADLINE! Written Re-Exam in Lindholmen (house SAGA for instructions)

V links to the video, S to the slides in the above table. V11 links to video from last year.

Disclaimer: The materials linked to above is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work for educational purposes in our course. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.